v0.06-alpha Update


How to execute:
Download the appropriate exec
win..zip is for Windows
linux..tar.gz is for Linux

Execute the executable within the folder after extraction

What is New:

Server control team initial status (budgets and allow server to help auto spawn bot team members) (#6)
Fix repair kit not reflect immediately (it is updated in server, but not on UI) (#6)
Fix bot agent stuck after current engaged units are gone (#6)
Drop item not sync across servers (#6)
Fix agent moving slow when moving in agent's current forward direction (#7)

What is working:
Basic top down shooter can attack and record health throughout network
Basic network skeleton based on Authoritative Server network design with snapshot
Basic audio and some basic effects
Basic enemy AI base on A* search and avoid collision with each other by disable collision between enemy
Destructible Obstacles
Basic game flow conditions (base on existing agent counts from bots and players)
Support of game time period and expire (force winning condition base on available agents on the battlefied at that point) of 15 seconds and at server control (so server will sync time against connected client)
Support of team concept (friendly firing vs firing from other teams), captured bases as spawn point, available spawn points + unit cost as condition whatever a team can generate new unit
Support of capturable bases and team will spawn from captured bases or from neutral condition
Try to balance AIs from each team (if team have available conditions to generate new unit)
Weapon switch ability and framework (to support expansion of new weapon):
-Long distance weapons: laser/rifle/homing missiles
-Short distance weapons: shield/light saber
Usable item:
-Repair Kits
MiniMap + Screen Aid to help user for incoming friendly/enemy agents + bases
Support of inventory/store system to allow agent to purchase additional weapons to equip/unequip and repair kit for usage
Server control team initial status (budgets and allow server to help auto spawn bot team members)

Current Ending Game Condition
Destroy all units from other teams (each team can be tweak to output different amounts of units + initial bases)
Capture all bases (so other team cannot spawn new unit)
Time is up (it is a tie if there are more than one team with units on the field during that time)
Current Ending Game Condition
Destroy all units from other teams (each team can be tweak to output different amounts of units + initial bases)
Capture all bases (so other team cannot spawn new unit)
Time is up (it is a tie if there are more than one team with units on the field during that time)

The total units on a multiplayer game (but if only server itself is okay) at once cannot exceed 20 units for workable performance, otherwise may start to see noticeable slow down. This may due to as the unit increases, a single snapshot package contain all units deployments will be larger than a udp packet able to handle, result delays on the client side when receiving the package and cause delay in screen
Other current defects can be found at:


Mar 14, 2021
Mar 14, 2021

Get Machine Battle

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